District Heating

What is District Heating

District energy is a proven technology that has been around for decades. Most major cities have a district energy system and landmark buildings around the world receive thermal energy from a district system. District heating is an underground infrastructure asset where thermal energy is provided to multiple buildings from a central energy plant or plants. Steam or hot water produced at the plant is transmitted 24/7 through highly insulated underground thermal piping networks. The thermal energy is transferred to the building’s heating system, avoiding the need for boilers in individual buildings.


Why District Heating?

District heating can help improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions, enable fuel flexibility, simplify building operations and maintenance, decrease costs, serve as vital infrastructure, and provide high quality jobs. Because thermal energy is delivered to buildings in a usable form, customers avoid installing expensive boilers and avoid costs for operations, maintenance, repair and replacement. District heating service simplifies building operations, allow customers precise control over heating and provides flexibility to adapt as occupant needs change or building efficiency improves. The critical advantage is that connecting multiple buildings to a district system creates economies of scale that enable the deployment of more efficient, resilient local energy resources. This scale also enables integration of cleaner options like CHP, waste to energy, biomass, geothermal, and other renewables which significantly cut emissions unachievable on a building by building basis. District heating networks are useful energy infrastructure assets for cities, communities, and campuses.

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