
Partnering with leading industry organizations from around the globe, IDEA works to publish industry best practices. 

Current publications include:

Community Energy Development Guide

CEDG.jpgAims to support mayors, planners, community leaders, real estate developers and economic development officials who are interested in planning more sustainable urban energy infrastructure, creating community energy master plans and implementing district energy systems in cities, communities and towns.


Community Energy Development Guide


District Cooling Best Practice Guide

DC_best_practice.jpgDedicated to the growth and utilization of district cooling as a means to enhance energy efficiency, to provide more sustainable and reliable energy infrastructure, and contribute to improving the global environment.

The text and illustrations of this hard-cover reference book provide practical insight and technical guidance on the "business" of designing, owning and operating district cooling systems.


Order the District Cooling Best Practice Guide


District Energy Magazine

19_Autumn_Cover.jpgReports on developments and trends in district energy and/or CHP operations, technology, regulatory issues, legislative action, as well as marketing, legal and financial issues involved in developing district energy systems and their implications for the industry. The magazine also includes how-to recommendations from industry experts and new product developments.

Printed copies of District Energy are mailed to all IDEA members and selected industry affiliates.


District Energy Magazine


District Energy Space

DE_Space_2018_Cover_Page.pngAnnual compilation of the number of buildings and their area in square feet that have been committed or recommitted to district energy service by IDEA member systems during the previous calendar year. The report shows the incremental annual growth of new customer building space served by district energy systems and provides the data to demonstrate market confidence in district energy.


District Energy Space


District Heating Handbook, Fourth Edition

District_Heating_Handbook_COVER-opt.jpgLatest edition of this authoritative sourcebook first published in 1921. It was produced by the membership of IDEA (then called the International District Heating Association, or IDHA) with assistance from the U.S. Department of Energy with a development contract through the Argonne National Laboratories.

For an electronic copy of the District Heating Handbook, contact IDEA.

Request a Digital Copy


Publications From Other Organizations


District Energy in Cities: Unlocking the Potential of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, UN Environment

Executive Summary
Full Report

IEA_Main_Report_4-24-17_HR_cover.pngGovernance Models and Strategic Decision-Making Processes for Deploying Thermal Grids, IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power

Full Report